Waste Fermentation Plants
General Information
In gastronomy, the food industry, the sugar and potato industry and in slaughterhouses or distilleries, organic residues are created. Due to their energy content and their dry matter content, these are ideal for the production of regenerative biogas in biogas plants. However, the consistency of the residual materials as well as contaminants and inhibiting substances often cause problems in conventional processes. FlexBio Technology offers a compact and reliable solution for the fermentation of organic residues in its product portfolio. The FlexBioSmartFarm container plant is designed for decentralized use and can be flexibly adapted to operational conditions or extended modularly.


The residual materials are collected in a collection container of the plant. From there, the substrates are initially fed in batches via a shredding device and a separator into the storage container, in which, if necessary, a sanitation takes place at 70 °c. After this pre-treatment, the substrates are introduced into the hydrolysis container to be mixed with process water and liquefied under thermophilic temperature conditions. The bulk of the organic material is thus transferred to the liquid phase. After a solid-liquid separation, the liquid phase is then fed into the high-performance fermenter. The so-called fixed-bed fermenter is characterized by short dwell times, high process stability and flexibility. The biogas produced in the fermenter can reach a methane content of more than 90%. The CO2-rich hydrolysis gas is disposed of via an innovative biofilter in a harmless and odor-neutral manner.
The mass of residual materials is thus reduced by at least 50% for further disposal/recycling and the organic part is used for biogas production. The excess process water is only slightly contaminated with organic matter after fermentation and can be discharged to the sewer or processed in a sewage treatment plant module from our portfolio.
Ease of Operation and Reliability
Apart from filling the collection container, the entire system is automatically controlled and regulated via a programmable logic controller (PLC). Faults are detected at an early stage by the control unit, registered and reported to the operator via e-mail, telephone or SMS.
With around the clock remote monitoring through our web-based control center, downtimes are reduced to a minimum. The minimization of downtime and the avoidance of expensive maintenance services lead to a continuous and reliable plant operation. The high safety standards for construction and operation protect people, nature and, of course, your plant.
Your Benefits at a Glance
Compact and modular design
Quick start-up by supplying pre-assembled and ready-to-use modules
Professional technical and biological support
Permanent monitoring for safe and profitable plant operation
Investment security through commitment to performance
Minimization of operating costs
Thermophilic treatment