As a young innovation company, we are again honored by the district and the city of Göttingen for our contribution to regional development! Good reasons for cooperation!


Delivery of FlexBio Plants
June 18, 2018
FlexBio is always open for new ideas. We have delivered 2 FlexBio plants for wastewater treatment to an innovative and sustainable pellet production company. This pellets from landscape conservation material and produces sustainable pellets for energy recovery. Our system consists of 2 modules. As pre-cleaning is our well-known FLEXBIO-AF-050 module. The post-cleaning is done by our newly developed FLEXBIO-TK-BB-050 module. This is characterized by a very effective cleaning performance and by a very low energy consumption. The wastewater is purified to direct discharger quality and the biogas produced sustainably is energetically utilized in a CHP plant.
The new product program is here! All FlexBio systems can be extended with an MBR!
June 04, 2018
We are expanding our product programme. To clean up heavily polluted waste water to the strictest discharge limits, we now offer MBR modules. So even landfill leachate can be discharged directly. Like our latest plant which is on its way to China.

IFAT 2018
We are on the IFAT 2018 in Munich! You are welcome to visit us, please contact us for visitor IDs. We are looking forward to seeing you! You can find us in Hall A3 at stand 521!
Gute Gründe(r): we are being distinguished with the “Gute Gründe(r) [good found(er)ation]” award! One more reason for a good cooperation!
Gute Gründe(r): we are being distinguished with the “Gute Gründe(r) [good found(er)ation]” award! One more reason for a good cooperation!
July 30, 2017
As a young innovation company, we are once again recognized by the district and the city of Göttingen for the contribution to regional development! With our products and services, we make a major contribution to regional development and added value in the region. We are more than simply sewage treatment. A good foundation for successful cooperation!
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