What you need to know
General Information
What is FlexBio?
FlexBio Technologie GmbH was founded as a spin-off from a university. The spin-off was preceded by a research project called "FLEXBIO", which later served as the company name. In the context of this research project, a new process has been developed that allows very effective fermentation. The method can be applied in particular to liquid substrates as well as various organically contaminated wastewater. The special feature is that the gas production and thus the energy generation can be done as required.
What makes FlexBio so innovative?
-The first innovation is the flexibility. Flexible/alternating substrate/wastewater use, flexible gas/energy production, flexible/modular design.
-The second innovation is the effective and efficient removal of wastewater contaminants in just a few process steps and a lasting positive energy balance.
- The innovation was developed by the founders themselves and transferred into practice. The company owners are therefore direct holder of relevant expertise.
The innovation has already received several awards from various institutions.
-Another special feature is that our systems are completely developed, built and cared for by ourselves. The core competencies remain with us and allow us to perfect the process in depth at any time.
What makes FlexBio so attractive to customers?
-Customers receive a binding commitment from us.
-Prior to awarding the contract, our customers can convince themselves through on-site testing with our mobile test facilities.
-The customer receives a turnkey plant.
-Our systems are compact and modular.
-an extension is possible at any time, so that the wastewater treatment can grow alongside the business.
Our plants are always developed exactly according to customer specification by us for the customer.
What kind of wastewater is suitable for purification with the FlexBio-process?
In general, the FlexBio method can purify any organically contaminated wastewater. The use of the process in the food and beverage industry as well as in agriculture is particularly profitable. The non-food sector, such as biodiesel production and the paper industry, can also benefit from the process. Many other applications are also possible. We will be happy to analyze your wastewater and discuss your potential with you. Contact Us.
Can "normal" municipal wastewater be cleaned with this technique?
Yes, municipal wastewater can, as in any "normal" sewage treatment plant, be purified up to direct discharger values. This also produces biogas which can be used for energy recovery.
Do I always have to make preliminary tests?
No, but the composition of the wastewater is very individual, so we often recommend preliminary tests directly with the customer (on-site examination with our mobile demonstration systems) or at our technical facility.
How much energy can be extracted from my wastewater?
This depends heavily on the organic load. In general, up to 95% of the organic load is converted into biogas. The wastewater from a beverage manufacturer can supply up to 3 m³ of methane or 30 kwh of energy per cubic metre of wastewater. Up to 60 kwh of primary energy can be obtained from the same amount of waste water from a slaughterhouse. In the treatment process, this results in an energy surplus (positive energy balance). You can use the generated biogas directly on-site and generate a large part of the energy needed in the plant itself.
Do I always have to buy the equipment?
We also offer attractive leasing and hire-purchase options.
Can compartmentalized off-grid facilities also use this technology to purify the wastewater?
Yes, this is possible. Our systems can be equipped with a photovoltaic roof and also be installed and operated in remote areas. They produce biogas to cover parts of their energy consumption. In addition, you can use the purified wastewater to for irrigation.
When did FlexBio start?
FlexBio was founded in the year 2014
Contaminated Surface Water on Biogas Plants
What is the own power consumption of the wastewater treatment system?
Maximum 1 kWh/m³
Is heat needed, if so, how much?
Average of 5 kwh/m³ surface water
Must be installed separately in a pipe system to and from the container?
Yes, supply lines for heating and electricity, as well as drainage and drain lines for the water and, if necessary, a biogas pipeline must be placed in the container.
Which COD loads of water can be cleaned?
Usually up to 10,000 mg/l COD, although higher loads are possible.
Which relevant wastewater components can be removed besides COD?
Phosphates and nitrogen compounds can be broken down. In addition, the pH value is brought into the neutral range.
Do I achieve permanently dischargeable water? Do I not exceed the limit values?
The system measures all relevant parameters and controls itself in such a way that the limit values are always complied with. The water is thus always dischargeable.
What if I have more wastewater than a container can clean?
The containers are modular and can be extended at any time.
Can I also directly use the biogas produced?
Yes, the biogas can be used locally. For example, it can be used as energy in a CHP or a gas boiler.
Does the container have to be serviced? How expensive or complicated is this maintenance?
Yes, the container requires maintenance; for this, a semi-annual maintenance is provided by the FlexBio service.
Do I need special training to operate the system? Do I have to hire an extra worker?
No, the systems run fully automatically. Only a daily visual inspection is necessary.
Can I just put the container on the lawn?
The container must be on a solid base. Our recommendation is a strip foundation.
What kind of container is it and what colors can I order?
The plants are built into a standard overseas container. Either 6 m or 12 m long. You can determine the color individually, just like buying a car.
Who takes care of the approval planning of the plant?
We will take care of all necessary documents and submit them to the water authority. If a building application is required, we can provide it, as well.
Meat and Food Industry
My company produces a lot of wastewater? is a container solution enough for me?
For large quantities of wastewater, the purification system is installed in round containers. Only in the case of special solutions is there a container solution.
Do I have to assume frequent standstills due to maintenance work on the wastewater treatment plant?
No, the technology is characterized by a very low need for maintenance.
How high is the specific power consumption per m³ of wastewater?
Maximum 1 kwh/m³
Is heat needed, if so, how much?
In the case of cold wastewater, an average of 5 kwh/m³ is required. In case the inflowing wastewater is warm (from 30 °c), no additional heat is required.
Can fats clog the system?
No, the anaerobic biofilm sticks to the packing elements and is not removed by fats.
Do the fats lead to the flooding of biological matter?
No, the anaerobic biofilm sticks to the packing elements and is not removed by fats.
Do I get a sanitation problem with wastewater treatment?
The plant technology meets all hygiene standards.
How much does the plant technology cost?
The purification plant is similar to the traditional cleaning technologies in terms of investment costs. Ongoing operating costs are significantly lower than in traditional methods. When using biogas, the amortisation period of the plant is in most cases under 3 years.
Do alcohols endanger the cleaning process?
No, alcohols are organic compounds that are easily degradable.
Industrial Wastewater
Can heavy metals be removed from the wastewater?
Yes. However, this purification is not biological, but physical by means of adsorption with a granulate.
Can different types of impurities be removed?
Yes, various impurities can be removed. Depending on the load, purification requires additional steps. We offer mechanical, chemical, physical and biological purification stages. These steps can be combined as desired.
Is it possible to clean non-organically contaminated wastewater?
Yes, these types of wastewater can also be cleaned. However, no biogas is produced.
How high is the specific power consumption per m³ of wastewater?
Maximum 1 kwh/m³
Is heat needed, if so, how much?
In the case of cold wastewater, an average of 5 kwh/m³ is required. In case the inflowing wastewater is warm from 30 °C, no additional heat is required.
Do I need to make an extra pre-purification before the FlexBio wastewater treatment system?
No, there must be no pre-purification or similar. The FlexBio wastewater technology offers all necessary purification steps from a single source. We create a concept with all the cleaning steps to be installed.
Can the FlexBio process be integrated into my existing wastewater treatment plant?
Possibilities to install a FlexBio system:
- New construction: Standalone solution
- Conversion: Parts of your old plant will be replaced
- Extension: Parts are added in addition